

Polonium definition is - a radioactive metallic element that has similar chemical properties to tellurium and bismuth, is produced mainly from the radioactive decay of neutron-irradiated bismuth, and emits an alpha particle to form an isotope of lead.

It is used to eliminate static electricity produced during processes such as rolling paper, wire and sheet metal. Polonium 210 är en naturlig förorening i tobak och antas vara en av de många faktorer som kan initiera lungcancer. Framställning och användning. Polonium 210 som är den enda naturligt förekommande isotopen med någorlunda lång halveringstid (138 dygn), kan framställas i grammängder genom neutronbestrålning av vismut 209. Polonium je členem uran-radiové, neptuniové i thoriové rozpadové řady a v přírodě se proto vyskytuje v přítomnosti uranových rud. Právě z uranové rudy – jáchymovského smolince bylo polonium poprvé získáno jako elementární prvek, přestože se jeho koncentrace pohybuje v množství 0,1 mg na tunu . Se hela listan på de.wikipedia.org Polonium definition is - a radioactive metallic element that has similar chemical properties to tellurium and bismuth, is produced mainly from the radioactive decay of neutron-irradiated bismuth, and emits an alpha particle to form an isotope of lead.


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21 Aug 2020 The story of Derek Conlon, 57, is the focus of the four-part Sky News StoryCast podcast, Polonium and the Piano Player - the final episode of  21 Aug 2020 On 1 November 2006, ex-KGB spy Litvinenko was attacked with one of the deadliest substances known to man: polonium-210. Preparation of Polonium-210 Metal and Matrix Fuels. 3. Uses of Polonium-210. 4.

av grundämnet polonium och karaktäriserandet av grundämnet radium« skulle avgöra hur stark strålningen var. I vissa prov såg de att strålningen var starkare.

It is found in uranium ores but it is uneconomical to extract it. It is obtained by bombarding bismuth-209 with neutrons to give bismuth-210, which then decays to form polonium. All the commercially produced polonium in the world is made in Russia.

polonium på svenska. Vi har ett översättning av polonium i dansk-svensk ordbok med synonymer, definitioner, exempel på användning och uttal. Annonsering.


Polonium is a very rare natural element. It is found in uranium ores but it is uneconomical to extract it. It is obtained by bombarding bismuth-209 with neutrons to give bismuth-210, which then decays to form polonium. All the commercially produced polonium in the world is made in Russia. Polonium Please visit the Polonium element page for information specific to the chemical element of the periodic table. Polonium is an alpha-emitter, hence it is used in antistatic devices and for research purposes.

Ämnesklass, Metaller. Relativ atommassa, 208,9824. Grupp, VI.A. Elektronegativitet. 2,0.
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Polonium används i borstar för borttagande av damm på fotografisk film. Stor försiktighet måste då iakttas. På grund av den farliga radioaktiva strålningen har polonium få användningsområden.

It is reactive, silvery-gray, it dissolves in dilute acids, but it is only slightly soluble in alkalis. it is fairly volatile: about half of a sample of it will evaporate within 3 days (unless it is kept in a sealed container). Polonium-211 atom is the radioactive isotope of polonium with relative atomic mass 210.986637 and half-life of 0.516 s.
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Water quality - Measurement of polonium 210 activity concentration in water by alpha spectrometry (ISO 13161:2011). Status: Upphävd. · Ersätts av: SS-EN ISO 

Atomnummer, 84. Fas, 6.

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Entreprenören Marie Curie har trätt fram. Ombeds avstå. År 1911 tilldelades hon nobelpriset i kemi för upptäckterna av radium och polonium. Men 

Polonium readily reacts with dilute acids, but only slightly with alkalis. All of its isotopes are radioactive. 210 Po emits a blue glow, as the air around it is excited by the decay products.

Polonium burns in air to form polonium (IV) oxide (PoO 2) and reacts with halogens to form tetrahalides (e.g., PoCl 4, PoBr 4, PoI 4). It also dissolves readily in dilute acids. Polonium is a strong emitter of α-particles; approximately 1 gram of 210 Po emits 140 watts of heat energy. For this reason, it is used as a source of thermoelectric

The decay  The nucleus consists of 84 protons (red) and 125 neutrons (orange). 84 electrons (white) successively occupy available electron shells (rings).

Polonium is highly radioactive, and all its isotopes are highly unstable and radioacitve. The atomic masses of polonium isotopes range in atomic masses from 188 to 220u.